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Intuitive counselling & sessions

Both online and distant/remote sessions help clients receive insights, healing and transformation in any place in the world.


I use a number of therapy modalities, like constellation work, craniosacral therapy, intuitive energy healing, kinesiology etc. - and often a combination of these.


During distant sessions, I intuitively tune in with the body's energy to heal and transform physical and emotional blockages. 


Sessions can be done as a once-off treatment, although I recommend doing at least three sessions for lasting results.  


Intuitive counselling packages comprising of both online and distant sessions can be discussed to customise your journey.


Feedback of distant sessions is given right after sessions, via WhatsApp or email.

15 Minute Discovery Meeting

During a free discovery call, you can discuss your goals, and determine if you resonate with me, and the approach and modalities I offer.

Kindly navigate to the Contact page to send me a request.


Group Distant Sessions

Welcome to remote Group sessions!  

These are offered on a monthly basis over a few days -for a deep dive into a specific theme!

 I've been offering distant group sessions since 2014, and am still amazed by how much the healing energy is amplified by a group of people with the same focus.


How do Group Distant sessions/series work? 

What makes this work appealing is the flexibility and ease of it - as it can be done in the comfort of one's own home, and also in one's own time. 
An added bonus is affordability - I'm able to offer this work at a fraction of one-on-one sessions because it's in a group setting.

As it's not online, you can switch off all devices and connect with yourself while reading through the feedback, which is sent via WhatsApp broadcast right after sessions.
If you can’t make it to reading through the feedback or doing the 'homework' on the day of the sessions, you can also tune in later - the advantage of non-existing time

How the distant group sessions are done:

First of all, I receive inspiration to do a group session on a specific theme, and then feel into it for a while to make sure that it's the right time to work on this in the collective - before sending the invitation out.

When participants join, I write their names on a list, and also create a WhatsApp broadcast list to send feedback to them after each session. 

At the start of the series, and each session I ask for blessings, support and guidance.

And then I sense into the group and 'pick up' on energies and blockages - which are communicated to me in the form of images or sensations. 

Participants often ask whether the sessions were done for them individually, as it felt so spot-on. The short answer is Yes, and No: The individuals that resonate with a certain theme, and participate in a group session, share certain aspects, and this can be accessed by sensing into the group. It's very much the same as with individual distant sessions.. the energy is just more amplified and easier to sense and work with.

Sometimes I also receive 'channeled messages' or inspired guidance that acts as a transmission of healing/balancing energy. 
At times 'homework' is suggested - affirmations or self constellations or meditations that will be helpful to shift the energy. 

I also receive guidance as to which healing modalities to use, which can include constellations - family, systemic or nature; energy work; colour therapy; crystal healing; psycho-kinesiology (combining colour, tapping & eye movements with healing sentences); guided meditations; sound; oracle cards & constellations etc.


I'd like to share some words here from one of my teachers, Thomas Huebl, about the energetics of group healing, as he describes it so beautifully:

"We-healing has a tremendous power. Everyone is present with the process that's happening.. these are amazingly sacred moments. We-spaces can mirror unseen elements and make them visible. The power of presence and inner connection and the power of we-spaces highly accellerate the healing process. This is very promising - when we come together and we create meaningful communities of healing, the we-field has a much higher capacity to transform past into presence. And when we transform, we are open to receive updates from the future.It's a powerful tool that we have.. our technology we are using and the current challenges around the globe actually forces us to go into that direction because it's the spirit of our time."


No names or personal details are disclosed to other participants, as it is all done via broadcast.


The themes for upcoming group sessions are usually sent via WhatsApp broadcast, and/or posted on the WhatsApp group 'Whispers of Nature' - you can contact me to join - on the group I'm posting occasional insights, healing practices & nature wisdom to uplift and support.





Ps.. How distant sessions came into being

   - a 'challenges turning out to be blessings' story!

For many years, I have lived in very remote places in the vast &  beautiful nature of Namibia. 
The challenging thing about this was an 
almost non-existent network reception, that made in-person or online sessions next to impossible.  

This led me to (sreluctantly at first!) resort to distant healing sessions for my clients - the few that were brave enough to venture onto this new journey with me. 

Without a person to give feedback during a session, the hidden blessing was the opportunity to hone my intuitive skills in sensing subtle energies, blockages and healing guidance. 

Which nowadays also proves helpful during online and in-person sessions, and group work.


With time, I realised that there are often 'waves' of the same theme in individual sessions during a certain time period, which is reflective of the collective energy.

I also realised that I can tap into these themes if I set the intention to do this, and offer group distant sessions around them.

 Initially group sessions were offered as once-off sessions, but they later evolved into the current 2-3 day series to offer a more comprehensive journey and deeper dive into the theme. 


There is ALWAYS a silver lining around every single dark cloud!

We just need to be open to seeing it..


distant session

Thank you Jani.. the daily sessions have truly assisted my process and I experienced many huge releases and AHA moments.. I thank the Universe for YOU!


Thank you Jani for an amazing journey this week - I'm full of gratitude and feeling very blessed that I could be part of it. Everything was spot on and resonated deeply with me!


All the sessions in the series have been great and very relevant to the path that I am on. This all supports me so much and has helped me look even deeper as well as affirm that I am on the right track instinctively with the process I have been going through. All spot on and very relevant!  Thank you Jani. 



 I’m happy I can go through this on a regular basis and heal old wounds, be kind to myself and realise I have all I need in order to be happy. 

You’ve really put so much into this and it’s so valuable. 

I really appreciate it SO much. This is incredible work. 



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